Thermal radiation (heat) is constantly being emitted into the environment in the form of invisible infrared radiation by all objects around us, including ourselves. This radiant heat/energy is converted into a visual image that can be viewed by the human eye through a highly specialized infrared camera, which converts the invisible infrared energy identified by the camera into a visual image that can be measured/analyzed by a Certified Infrared Thermographer (technician). This technique for imaging and temperature measurement is called Infrared Thermography. With the latest technology available today, these thermal images are digitally stored to PCMCIA hard drive devices or recorded onto video tape for the clients viewing. Once these thermal images have been stored, advancements in analysis software offer the technician and the client the ability to further analyze any areas of concern and monitor equipment status through Thermal Trend, an advanced historical trending software program available to the serious infrared service provider.

The Intent of an Infrared Electro/Mechanical Inspection

The intent of an infrared electro/mechanical thermographic inspection is to survey a number of selected/predetermined pieces of electrical and/or mechanical equipment as chosen by the client.  For optimum results, each piece of equipment should be under normal load and operating conditions.  The objective is to locate potential problems before they fail by detecting and measuring any temperature variations between phases.

Monitoring Electrical & Mechanical Components

Determining the severity of a problem component is a critical aspect of a total predictive maintenance program and will be discussed prior to each inspection. Equipment failure begins with such minute warning signs that they are not detectable by human senses. Increases in temperature, vibration, and particulate in oil are the first indications of potential failure. On their own each of these disciplines are very effective, but a combination of infrared thermography, vibration analysis, and oil analysis in the hands of qualified and experienced technicians could save your facility millions through a quality predictive maintenance program. By correctly analyzing these potential problems, the client is able to prioritize and schedule any repairs rather than disrupting valuable production time through unscheduled, costly equipment failure.


At BTA we believe in offering the best service possible to our clients. If we can’t give it to you ourselves, we call on other trusted partner companies to get it done for to you. When it comes to Infrared Services, we turn to ACMT Infrared Services Ltd. to get the job done. ACMT has been serving Western Canada since 1993, providing a high level of expertise in the field of Infrared Thermography.